Project Presentationa and Demo Guidelines
Organization Guidelines
The presentation has a title slide, followed by slides corresponding to the main sections of the report, and concluding with the demo slide, as follows:
Title (1 slide, 0.5 min)
- Has the name of your AI system, authors, course name, course instructor, and date
AI System Overview (1 slide, 1 min)
- Name the project type
- Outline the specifics of the AI system (problem, dataset, etc.)
- Highlight the sources that were indispensable to the development and evaluation of the system
- Very briefly characterize the credibility of the sources.
Theoretical Background (1 slide, 2 min)
- Identify and briefly describe the theoretical concepts and techniques that the development of the AI system is based on.
Development and Evaluation (2 slides, 3 min)
- Follow the development and evaluation steps
- Present and explain the system components,
- how they work
- what results you got, and
- how you interpret the results.
Demo (1 slide, 3 min)
- Slide has only the title: Demonstration of the AI system.
- This is when the team gives a demo of the system.
Project management (2 slides, 2 min)
- Describe how the team managed the project activities
- who did what and when, and
- what the outcomes were.
- Describe how the team managed the project activities
Q&A (no slide, 3 min)
- Team members answer instructor’s questions clearly and to the point
There is a total of 7 slides. The presentation, including the Q&A, should take 15 min.
Content Knowledge Guidelines
- Team members take turns in presenting each slide.
- Each team member
- Demonstrates understanding of what’s being presented
- Answers questions clearly, directly, and knowledgeably.
Written and Presentation Skills Guidelines
Slides follow the required organization
Slide content is presented effectively
- Use itemized items
- Do NOT use paragraphs or long text
- Do NOT use visuals other than figures/tables/charts that are also included in the Appendix of the report
- No Microsoft or other stock images to “beautify” your presentation
- Black on white or white on black text and background
The presentation has 7 slides
- 1-2 more slides are OK, if justified.
Oral Presentation Skills Guidelines
Team members take turns when presenting each slide.
- Speak clearly and loudly
- Use appropriate vocabulary
- Presentation duration is 15 minutes
- 13 - 16 minutes-range is acceptable.
Evaluation Criteria
Each project presentation and demonstration requirement is evaluated on the following 3 criteria:
- Meets requirement
- Needs improvement
- Does not meet the requirement