Project Codebase Guidelines
Getting Started
GitHub org has empty repositories, named project-m#-team#
Team member 1: Creates initial project repo with empty Locally, in the COMP 741/841 directory, create project subdirectory
mkdir project
cd project
git init <—- create git repo for the project working directory
git remote add origin [remote-repo-URL]
git add <– stage or prepare for commit
git commit -m ‘create’
Check that current branch is main
- git branch -a <– list all branches, local and remote
If it’s master do the following
- git branch -m main <– rename current active branch master to main
git push origin main
Codebase Structure Setup
The project root directory has:
- src directory, where the source code files and configuration file (**.yml or **.txt) reside.
- describes what the project is about: objectives, approach, and results
- describes how to run codebase and how to obtain the evaluation results.
Other directories in the root directory include:
- resources- has the codebase from other projects that are the basis of the team project
- Can be organized in subdirectories if multiple sources are used.
- Find good names for the subdirectories
- docs - has,,, two project presentations, and other documentation files
- data - has evaluation data files.
- For DL projects, include training, testing, and validation data set.
If there are large datasets, look into
git lfs
(see, an extension ofgit
that allows you to store large files outside your local and remote repository.
- For DL projects, include training, testing, and validation data set.
If there are large datasets, look into
- resources- has the codebase from other projects that are the basis of the team project
There might be other directories, depending on the project.
Team members switch roles to create a minimal codebase structure
- Team member 2
- Create minimal structure of the codebase:
- src directory, empty md files
- Add changes to version control and commit history
- git add .
- git commit -m ‘create initial project structure’
- git push origin main
- Create minimal structure of the codebase:
- Team member 1
- git pull origin main
- Team member 2
GitHub Project Board Setup
- On the project repository homepage, locate and click on the Projects tab in the navbar
- Click on the New project button and choose the template provided by the faculty for your project
- Fill in the project name and click on the Create project button to finalize the setup
If you encounter difficulties while setting up the codebase structure, reach out to the Classroom Assistants.
Codebase Development
Use GitHub project tool (both table and board view) to document project management work
Use feature-branch git workflow
- Individual contributions of team members are documented on branches they create do their share of work
- Do NOT remove the branches: they document individual contributions of team members
- Development work on a branch MUST have meaningful commit messages
- Individual contributions of team members are documented on branches they create do their share of work
ONLY local branches are pushed to the remote, NOT main branch
After pushing a branch, team member opens a pull request with information about
- What the branch brings to the project: informative description
- Who’s assigned to review the work (the other team member)
- Which project the pull request belong to
The branch reviewer does one of the following:
- approval, changes, or rejection of the pull request
When the pull request is approved, the team member merges it into main