Git Feature Branch Workflow


Atlassian Tutorials. 2023. Git Feature Branch Workflow.

Workflow Description

  • The main branch represents the official project history

  • Developers create a new branch every time they start work on a new feature

    • Name your feature branch with your first name, followed by dash -, and very brief and descriptive name of the high-level focus of the branch.

    • All feature branches are created off the latest code of a project, which is maintained by the main branch

  • Feature branches (NOT main branch) are pushed to the remote repository in order to be shared with the other developers without touching the official code.

  • Use push command with EXPLICIT arguments, e.g.,

    push origin mihaela-read-data

Workflow Steps

Locally, on your machine

  1. Switch to main branch, copy what has been added to the main branch from other branches, and reset local copy of main to match the latest remote main copy

    • git checkout main <– Active branch becomes main

    • git pull origin main <– Synchronize the local main with the remote main

  2. Create the new branch based on the updated local main

    • git checkout –b mihaela-1-feature-x main

      • Be explicit about main being the branch off which you create your new branch.
    • git branch -a <– list all branches

  3. Develop code on the new branch by editing files, “staging” them (add to prepare them for commit), and committing changes

    • git status

    • git add <some files>

    • git commit –m ‘... meaningful message... ‘

  4. Push feature branch to the remote

    • git push origin mihaela-1-feature-x

Remotely, on Github

  1. Get feedback on the new feature branch

    • Open a pull request in GitHub

    • Fill in pull request information

      • Name of the assigned reviewer (your project member)

      • Name of the project

  2. Reviewer examines what has been committed

    • Add comments specific to lines in the files of the commit

    • Decides to approve, reject, or request changes based on comments

Locally, Review

  1. Developer resolves feedback LOCALLY

  2. Commits the new changes and push again the branch.

Remotely, Review

  1. Developer’s updates appear in the pull request. Reviewing continues until the reviewer approves the changes.

  2. When the pull request is approved

    • Developer merges their branch into main and resolve any merge conflicts